Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Shadow of the Wind..Part VIII

Following his visit with Nuria, Daniel meets up with Bea. As always, both throw smart remaks at each other to break the silence. Daniel proposes to Bea for them to take a walk and go eat. While Daniel eats, he reveals and tells Bea his story, and Carax's story, including The Shadow of the Wind, which excites her. Daniel takes Bea to the Cementery of Forgotten Books; obviously. Bea is awed by what she sees, and Daniel allows her to take a book, exempting The Shadow of the Wind. Unknowingly, Daniel kisses Bea, making the return home long and intense. The following morning, Fermin alerts Daniel about the PO Box, and discovers that Nuria was the proprietor is Nuria, and that she lied to him. Both Daniel and Fermin set forth a plan to exhume information on Carax, not lies. To do so, they turn to Father Fernando, a childhood friend of Carax.

Inbetween these pages, Fermin compares Daniel's life situations, with that of Carax's life. Do both of their lives relate? What impact can this have on Daniel, knowing that his life might be based on another's experiences and a book?

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